
“By His wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)
Jesus’ sacrifice on the crucifix was so powerful that it literally destroyed death and released life. It is through Him and this sacrifice that supernatural healing is available. The blood of Jesus is the cure, and it's activated through faith. Healing comes when we believe in the power of this spiritual transaction.
Our team at Refuge has seen God do supernatural healing’s from things like cancer, strokes, autism, trauma, depression, etc. Are you in need of a physical, emotional or spiritual healing?

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28)
Life can be trying and difficult at times, leaving a feeling of heaviness and burden. Sometimes there is a need for reprieve and to recharge. God can be that relief, that place of solace and peace. In His Spirit there is rest. When we are touched by His Spirit the peace of the Lord comes.
Are you in need of a rest? Are you looking for a place of reprieve and peace?

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Cor. 3:17)
Spiritual darkness and warfare is a real thing and can feel like a prison. Spiritual prisons can be in the form or addiction, relationships, co-dependency, occult practices, demonic spirits, torment, etc. But Jesus’ name is above all names and through His death and resurrection we’ve been given the power and freedom over all darkness and evil.
Are you feeling as if you’re in a spiritual prison? At Refuge we minister in the power of God’s love and Spirit. We are trained in this area of ministry and would love the opportunity to help you find freedom.

“The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.” (Exodus 33:11)
Christianity is a journey of relationship, not religion. The sacrifice Jesus gave was all for love. The Father God sent His Son to destroy sin so that humanity could be restored to relationship with Himself. Our very being and essence was designed by Him, each and every person. As our Creator, it is and always has been His desire to be close to us, just as He was with Adam and Eve. Christ has made us friends with God and the Holy Spirit fills us, so we can commune with Him. There is nothing more satisfying in life than having a relationship with the Creator.
At Refuge we cultivate relationship in God, not religion. We provide a space for relationship to happen and grow. It’s a special and individual way it happens for everyone. Interested in developing/growing a relationship with God?
A Spiritual Path

“And the Lord — who is the Spirit — makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image.” (2 Cor. 3:18)
Christianity is a way of life that is spiritual. It is about having a relationship with the triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In this relationship there comes revelation, grace, and satisfaction. Everything about God is spiritual. It is man who creates religion and it is religion that removes The Spirit from Christianity.
At Refuge we operate through the Holy Spirit and offer people a safe place to discover and learn the Christian path in a non-religious manner. Interested in this spiritual path of Christianity?
Spiritual Gifts

“A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other… It is the one and only Spirit who distributes all these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have.” (1 Cor. 12:7, 11)
These gifts are not for a select few, they are for all who choose to receive them. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today and they are very important to our Christian walk. It doesn’t take 20 years of experience and a doctorate in theology to use them. God will freely give them and teach how to use them.
At Refuge we embrace and operate in the gifts of The Spirit. Here we encourage and help those who are interested, in discovering and growing in the gifts God has given them! Are you interested in receiving and exploring your gifts in The Spirit?